Saturday, 12 March 2011

ActiveFinish version 1.1 released

A new version of ActiveFinish has been released that modifies the way changes are viewed when an effect is being edited.

When an element is being edited, the changes are reflected on the canvas as they are made. It used to be that when an effect was edited, a small window in the editor would show the changes. The preview window has now been removed, and the changes are now reflected on the canvas.

In addition, changes made to the effect collection are now reflected immediately on the canvas. So, if an effect is added, removed or moved within the collection, you'll see how this effects the layer immediately.

See the change log for the full details of the change.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

How to create a .chm and .pdf file from a single web page

I thought I'd pass on the knowledge I've learnt from creating downloadable versions of ActiveFinish website help pages. This article explains how to create a Microsoft HTML Help .chm file and an Adobe .pdf file from a single web page.

If you want to skip the preamble, click here to get straight to the prerequisites.


In order to create your files, the first thing you need to do is save the web page, along with all its images, css and any images that the css files refer to. You'll find with most web browsers, such as Firefox and Internet Explorer, that if you save complete, the image and css files are saved fine, but any images that the css refers to are not saved.

I found that the best browser, by far, for complete saves is Opera, which also save the images, such as background images, that are referred to from css files. (I tested with Opera 11.01, but I'm not sure about previous versions). Unfortunately, however, it has a bug whereby any local links, following a #, are truncated and thus lost. My saviour was the Firefox add-on ScrapBook, which saves everything and handles local and external links perfectly.

For creating the .pdf file, I tried all kinds of stand alone apps, and Firefox add-ons, but in all cases either css would be missing, css images missing, or both. Finally, I found an excellent free tool called wkhtmltopdf, which produces an absolutely perfect file which is also searchable - i.e. it doesn't just create an image of your page and slap it in a .pdf document.


 Prepare Your web page

  • Navigate to your live web page and click ScrapBook > Capture Page.
    A folder will be created that contains the web page (index.html), the images, and all the css combined into one file (index.css).
  • Open up the page, index.htm, and delete any headers, footers or anything else that you don't need.
  • If you'll be creating a .chm file and your web page contains conditional references to Internet Explorer css files, or any of your css files contain IE hacks, you'll need to do a little further work. Because all the css is combined into one index.css file, conditional references cannot be used. Unfortunately, if instead you use hacks, ScrapBook removes the entries. For this reason, you'll need to edit index.css and put the hacks back in.

Create the .chm file

  • Open notepad, enter the contents in the box below, and save as helpbuilder.hhp, in the same folder that contains index.html:

    Note you only need to add references to files referred to in css in the helpbuilder.hhp file. That is, if you refer to an image in HTML, the HTML Help Workshop compiler will automatically pick it up.
  • Double click helpbuilder.hhp and click compile.
You'll now have a .chm file called helpbuilder.chm.

Create the .pdf file

  1. wkhtmltopdf is command line based, so I recommend creating a folder that is easy to navigate to in a command prompt, such as zTemp1. Then, copy all the ScrapBook output files over.
  2. Open up a command prompt, navigate to zTemp1 and type: wkhtmltopdf index.html index.pdf
  3. You now have the .pdf document called index.pdf. Open it up, and see if there are any parts of the document that have clumsy splits between pages. If there are, you can edit the index.html file and do one of the following:
    • Create a line break before the block that you don't want splitting with: <div style="page-break-after: always;"><span style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></div>
    • Wrap the block with the following: <div style="page-break-inside: avoid;">...</div>
    Note it is fine to add the css page-break entries to your original website pages and they won't affect its layout.
  4. Repeat from step 2, until you're happy with the page breaks.

That's all there is to it! If, like me, you have a bunch of help pages that all use the same css files, and hence the same css referenced images, you only need to create the HTML Help Workshop .hhp file once. Once you've created the file, it takes no time at all to save your web page, using ScrapBook, and then copy the .hhp template to the output directory and compile the file.


A step by step guide to creating a rollover button with ActiveFinish

We're pleased to announce the release of a guide that takes you step-by-step through the stages of creating two rollover buttons with ActiveFinish. With the guide, you learn how to:
  1. Create the button class
  2. Design the button surface
  3. Change an element's properties at run-time
  4. Change an effect's properties at run-time
  5. Create a click effect
The guide is available on-line in both the Visual Basic and C# languages, and contains links to download the source code and the guide in the .chm and .pdf formats :